Come On Over | Military Cadence
(Lyrics & History)
Cadences are often shocking, using disturbing or even offensive imagery to paint a picture of war. The dark sense of humor, often called "gallows humor" or "foxhole humor." In this particular cadence, the soldier brags on the line of insurgents he is about to execute - fire squad-style. Many cadences like this seem to use the Geneva Convention as a good source of musical inspiration.
Here it is: "Come On Over" (Army Cadence)
Come on over
The war’s not over
So put your weapon next to mine
And we’ll shoot ‘em all down the line
I shot insurgent one
Did that one just for fun
So put your weapon next to mine
And we’ll shoot ‘em all down the line
Come on over
The war’s not over
So put your weapon next to mine
And we’ll shoot ‘em all down the line
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Listen to this cadence:
Song Name: Come On Over
Album Name: Cadences Volume 1
by Jonathan Michael Fleming
I shot insurgent two
Did that one just for you
So put your weapon next to mine
And we’ll shoot ‘em all down the line
I shot insurgent three
Did that one just for me
So put your weapon next to mine
And we’ll shoot ‘em all down the line
Come on over
The war’s not over
So put your weapon next to mine
And we’ll shoot ‘em all down the line
The lyrics and music to the above cadence are not original to me. To the best of my knowledge, the song is in the public domain, as the author is unknown and has simply been handed down generation-to-generation within the US military.
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