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In the Early Morning Rain| Military Cadence
(Lyrics & History)

The U.S. Military uses chants called "Jodies" to keep soldiers in rhythm, boost their morale, and build teamwork during marches and runs. These chants are a key part of military tradition.

In the early morning rain is a cadence set on the beaches of Normandy on D Day. The cadence narrates the experiences of a service member leaving for duty, reflecting on the emotional farewells with family, the challenges he faces on the beach front, and the sacrifices made, sending a message to his loved ones. 


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In the early morning rain

In the early morning rain

In the early morning rain

In the early morning rain​​​


Kissed my wife and said goodbye

Told my children not to cry

Kissed my wife and said goodbye

In the early morning rain​​​


With a weapon in my hand

And a pocket full of sand

With a weapon in my hand

And a pocket full of sand


​​​Got the enemy to my front

And the ocean to my rear

Wounded dying’s all I hear

In the early morning rain


Listen to this cadence:

Song Name: In the Early Morning Rain
Album Name: Cadences Volume 4
by Jonathan Michael Fleming

​​As I lay here to rest 

Caught a bullet in my chest

Even though I’ve done my best

In the early morning rain


​​Tell my daughter not to cry

‘Cause I’ll never say goodbye

Tell my daughter not to cry

In the early morning rain


Many soldiers die today

Guess there’s nothing left to say

So our children, they can play

In the early morning rain​​​


In the early morning rain

In the early morning rain

In the early morning rain

In the early morning rain



The lyrics and music to the above cadence are not original to me. To the best of my knowledge, the song is in the public domain, as the author is unknown and has simply been handed down generation-to-generation within the US military.


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DISCLAIMER: Jonathan Michael Fleming does not represent the DoD or its components. The content on this site belongs to and represents Jonathan Michael Fleming alone. Any mention of personal military service is only contextual, and should not be considered a reason to make purchases or otherwise financially support this brand. The views and opinions presented herein are those of Jonathan Michael Fleming and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its Components. Appearance of, or reference to, any commercial products or services does not constitute DoD endorsement of those products or services. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein.

© 2024 by Jonathan Michael Fleming

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