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My Mission

Preserve History

Military cadences (AKA call-and-response, marching songs, Jodies, Jody calls) have been an integral part of US military drill and ceremony since World War 2. These songs have been handed down, generation-to-generation for decades, with lyrics often changing from unit-to-unit. My goal is to document and preserve this history in audible and written form so that they are not lost with future generations. Click here to learn about the history of cadence and how this mission started.

Inspire, Motivate Veterans

Every day, I get messages, emails, and letters requesting certain cadences be recorded; some of these jodies being much older than I am. I quickly realized why: music has a powerful effect on the mind. Many veterans have not heard these songs since their service; maybe even since bootcamp. 


Hearing cadences again for the first time in years takes them back to "day zero." They are reminded of the motivation, passion, and drive they had for their service. Since I started, I have received countless messages describing the fire that was re-kindled, stories of immense weight loss, and a renewed appreciation for their time in service.


My prayer is that many more of our troops are touched by the memories brought back to them. Go back home for links to all the cadences, or go to the shop page to find CDs.

Be a Resource

When I entered AIT (tech school/MOS school) I googled "Army Cadences." I was hoping to find some new (or old) material to introduce to my platoon. To my surprise, there were no recordings of many of my favorite jodies. With the exception of some rare field recordings, it was very difficult to find any, and I was left out of luck. 


I later met Soldiers who had the same complaint - one particular buddy was going through BLC (our Basic Leadership Course for NCOs) where he was required to be able to lead troops in marches. He expressed the need for a cadence resource - somewhere he could turn to not only read lyrics, but hear cadences that he could introduce to his unit (they were quite burned out from the handful of cadences that they called on repeat).


A few years later and I'm happy to say that I get reports of my YouTube channel being used all across the Army (Drill Sergeant school, BLC, etc.) to teach our leaders great cadence. Click here to search the cadence library.

House Our Homeless Veterans

A portion of all proceeds are directed toward veteran-focused nonprofits, to include the missions of housing homeless veterans and providing mentors to those suffering with PTSD.

Find lyrics to your favorite cadences:

Scroll through dozens of jodies and search your favorites for lyrics, CDs, Spotify, Youtube, Apple links, and more!

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Find my work on:

Spotify Logo - Find Jonathan Michael Fleming's Cadences on Spotify
Pandora Logo - Find Jonathan Michael Fleming's Cadences on Pandora
YouTube Logo - Find Jonathan Michael Fleming's Cadences on Youtube
Amazon Music Logo - Find Jonathan Michael Fleming's Cadences on Amazon Music
Deezer Logo - Find Jonathan Michael Fleming's Cadences on Deezer
SoundCloud Logo - Find Jonathan Michael Fleming's Cadences on SoundCloud
Apple Music Logo - Find Jonathan Michael Fleming's Cadences on Apple Music
Tidal Logo - Find Jonathan Michael Fleming's Cadences on Tidal

DISCLAIMER: Jonathan Michael Fleming does not represent the DoD or its components. The content on this site belongs to and represents Jonathan Michael Fleming alone. Any mention of personal military service is only contextual, and should not be considered a reason to make purchases or otherwise financially support this brand. The views and opinions presented herein are those of Jonathan Michael Fleming and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its Components. Appearance of, or reference to, any commercial products or services does not constitute DoD endorsement of those products or services. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein.

© 2024 by Jonathan Michael Fleming

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