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The Bearded Ninja (Chuck Norris) | Military Cadence
(Lyrics & History)

In the U.S. Military, "Jodies" are more than just chants—they set the pace, unify troops, and lift spirits during marches and runs. These call-and-response songs have become a symbol of military tradition and teamwork.

The Bearded Ninja is a humorous cadence that pays homage to the legendary martial artist and actor, Chuck Norris. It is popular among service members for its entertaining and morale-boosting flow during marches and runs.


The lyrics humorously exaggerate Chuck Norris’s legendary prowess, including playful references to his martial arts skills. 


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I see the bearded ninja

Alone upon the hill

His name is Chuck Norris

And kill I know he will

Chuck Norris

(Chuck, chuck, chuck he’s the man!)

Round house kick!​​​


No, Chuck is not a surgeon

But he knows some tricks

The quickest way to a man’s heart

Is with Chuck Norris’ fists

Chuck Norris

(Chuck, chuck, chuck he’s the man!)

Round house kick!


If you get out alive

Chuck will put you in your place

The power of a roundhouse kick

Can be seen from outer space

Chuck Norris

(Chuck, chuck, chuck he’s the man!)

Round house kick!​


Listen to this cadence:

Song Name: The Bearded Ninja (Chuck Norris)
Album Name: Cadences Volume 4
by Jonathan Michael Fleming

​​If you can see Chuck Norris

Then he can see you

If you cannot see him

He’s prob’ly right behind you

Chuck Norris

(Chuck, chuck, chuck he’s the man!)

Round house kick!


Don’t break the law in Texas

You’ll put yourself in danger

Chuck Norris’s twin brother

Is Walker Texas Ranger

Chuck Norris

(Chuck, chuck, chuck he’s the man!)

Round house kick!


​​He doesn’t have a chin

But should still be feared

Legend tells of a third fist

Behind his magnificent beard

Chuck Norris

(Chuck, chuck, chuck he’s the man!)

Round house kick!



The lyrics and music to the above cadence are not original to me. To the best of my knowledge, the song is in the public domain, as the author is unknown and has simply been handed down generation-to-generation within the US military.


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DISCLAIMER: Jonathan Michael Fleming does not represent the DoD or its components. The content on this site belongs to and represents Jonathan Michael Fleming alone. Any mention of personal military service is only contextual, and should not be considered a reason to make purchases or otherwise financially support this brand. The views and opinions presented herein are those of Jonathan Michael Fleming and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its Components. Appearance of, or reference to, any commercial products or services does not constitute DoD endorsement of those products or services. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein.

© 2024 by Jonathan Michael Fleming

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